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  1. ShinigamiXGames

    Like and Share so more ppl Join the server!

    trade for archangel +16 XD
  2. ShinigamiXGames

    Like and Share!!

  3. ShinigamiXGames

    Lets make the Server Grow!!! Vamos a ayudar al Server a Crecer!!

    Some admins dont allow link spams :unsure:
  4. ShinigamiXGames

    Lets make the Server Grow!!! Vamos a ayudar al Server a Crecer!!

    Hey Guys!! Sorry for spaming my Youtube Content here, but recently y posted a Frintezza Video, and in that video is a server banner and a Link to it!!...If you hit the like button and share it, we can reach more people and we might get more players so we have more competition in game!!! Here...
  5. ShinigamiXGames

    No se puede dar la opinion

    pero pero... que ha pasao? =O
  6. ShinigamiXGames

    Major LAG issues

    Hey Rockstar! Any news about the Lag? im dying a lot! LOL
  7. ShinigamiXGames

    zona pvp

    Every PC has its own IP adress... so yes you should can...unless the 3 of you are playing at the same time in the same pc... odd situation....
  8. ShinigamiXGames

    Major LAG issues

    Hey!! Hi Rockstar how are you? Hope everything is all right! Are you informed that we are having major lag problems? i never had lag before!! thats why i post this!! Thanks!!!
  9. ShinigamiXGames

    Stream Rewards

    Hello!!! Im Back Playing L2 after 12 years!! and im streaming it everyday... is this stream reward system still on?