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  1. M

    Enchanted itens x npc traders

    Ok, thanks ^^
  2. M

    Enchanted itens x npc traders

    I try to use fundation and vesper upgrading npc and dont work, because my itens is +6. How i fix that ?
  3. M


    1 hour wait, 0 figths , olly work veryyyy good !!!
  4. M


    How is the olympiada doing well if it takes you 4 days to do 15 fights? It's good to pass points, but to fight for real without a chance!
  5. M


    It would be very good to move the olly as a means of retribution, such as a box winner and a box looser. That way, the ollympiads would move more and more players would register.
  6. M

    Adena / donator coin

    It is necessary to analyze the internal market of the game! In this way adena had become useless. When added that for a free player to get anything and linked to Gold coin, silver and bronze, making the disparity bigger while a player puts a +10 weapon, the free will still need chance and a life...